Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Difference between various Agamas-Tamil

Difference between various Agamas-Tamil http://www.brahminsnet.com/forums/showthread.php/750-Difference-between-various-Agamas-Tamil
ஆகமங்களில் கோயில் தொடர்பான செய்திகள் காணப்படுகின்றன. ஆகம நு}ல்கள் பல உள்ளன. சைவ ஆகமங்கள், சாக்த ஆகமங்கள், வைணவ ஆகமங்கள் எனப் பல வகைப்படும். வைணவ ஆகமங்களாவன வைகானஸமும், பாஞ்சராத்ரமும் ஆகும். .....

2. Sanskrit scholar Dr. Prabhakar Apte, whom this writer meets in Tirupati, is an authority on the Pancharatra agamas, and his first paper on the subject was presented before the Kanchi Paramacharya. Apte's translations of 'Sattvata Samhita' and 'Poushkara Samhita,' have been published by the Academy of Sanskrit Research, Melkote, and by the Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati, respectively. .............

3. Vaishnavism in the Agamas have contributed towards a fuller and more comprehensive development of the philosophy of Vaishnavism.
In the post-Vedic period, a fuller development of the important tenets of Vaishnavism can be found in the Agamas. The Agamas are a body of religious treatises devoted primarily to the modes of worship of God. The term Agama generally means sacred texts and refers in particular to the revealed scripture (nigama). The Agama is also known as tantra or the system that elaborates the knowledge acquired from the Vedas. It is also designated as samhita or the composition........

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